Become a volunteer at the Québec City German Christmas Market

The Québec City German Christmas Market has grown incredibly in recent years but remains a non-profit event, with limited human and financial resources. For this reason, the contribution of volunteers is essential to ensure the smooth running of activities. Without the hard work of dozens of volunteers, the Québec City German Christmas Market would simply not be possible.

Would you like to be part of the team at this magical event? See the available positions and all details to register as a volunteer at the link below. Thank you!

Volunteer Application (in French only)

List of available positions

List of available positions


The Winterbar is an outdoor bar located in the Jardins de l’Hôtel-de-Ville. Mulled wine (Gluhwein) is the star of the show, as well as delicious German schnapps, apple cider and imported beers.

Tasks: Selling alcohol at the bar.

Requirements: Be I8 years old or older, being fluent in French (English/French bilingualism an asset), being courteous, smiling and having a lot of interpersonal skills. It is also important to be very warmly dressed.


The Alpenbar is an outdoor bar located at Place D’Youville. Mulled wine (Gluhwein) is the star of the show, as well as delicious German schnapps, apple cider and imported beers.

Tasks: Selling alcohol at the bar.

Requirements: Being I8 years old or older, being fluent French (English/French bilingualism an asset), being courteous, smiling and having a lot of interpersonal skills. It is also important to be very warmly dressed.


Tasks: Selling mulled wine, pretzels and assisting the person in charge of the kiosk in his tasks when necessary.

Requirements: Being I8 years old or older, being fluent in French (English/French bilingualism an asset), being courteous, smiling and having a lot of interpersonal skills.


Tasks: Selling coffee and hot chocolate (with or without alcohol) as well as other products, and assisting the person in charge of the kiosk in his tasks when necessary.

Requirements: Being I8 years old or older, being fluent in French (English/French bilingualism an asset), being courteous, smiling and having a lot of interpersonal skills.